FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Five (The Pressure to Make It

Pastor Josh Weisbrod – May 26, 2019

Key Idea: God has created each one of us on purpose for a purpose. He has called us, gifted us, and authorized us to live out our purpose with perspective and power while we are here. // Key Passage: James 4:13-17

Summary: I can lay down the pressure to constantly prove my worth, and live with greater freedom and greater perspective, purpose, and power.

Introduction – James 4:13-17

  • James is not trying to limit freedom or dictate habits. He is concerned with the heart.

  • Setting goals and making plans without considering God, leaves me striving. If I could just get the job, the raise, the new car, etc., then I’m going to be content…then I’m going to prove myself. . . All of this creates stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.

  • James teaches that there is Someone Greater who can inform my perspective—God!

  • The right thing to do is to put myself in the hands of the One who knows my future.

Live with Perspective

  • When I understand life is fragile (Psalm 102:11; Job 8:9; 1 Chronicles 29:15), it takes away fear and brings intentionality. This perspective changes how I act today because I begin to understand what I can and cannot control. (Psalm 139:6)

  • I cannot control the future, but I can love, serve, and give generously.

  • How much time do I spend worrying? Proving myself? With greater perspective there is greater intentionality. A new perspective changes my habits.

Live with Purpose

  • Instead I ask—What is my purpose? Who is directing me? What is my path? (Proverbs 3:5-6)

  • God created me on purpose for a purpose. (Proverbs 16:4; Galatians 1:15; 2 Timothy 1:9)

  • I am called, gifted, and authorized.

  • What is my purpose? Use what God has given me to serve others. (1 Peter 4:10)

  • God gives me a purpose and a ministry beyond my present situation and my past issues. (Romans 12:6)

  • No one is rooting for me to succeed more than God, my Abba Father. God gifted me the way I am—be the ‘me’ God created me to be.

Live with Power

  • I want to go where God is leading. I need God or I’m not going. (Exodus 33:15) God, send me with Your power.

  • When I plan my life, goals, and future without Christ at the center, it becomes a burden. If my plans fail, I’m a failure. When I carry this burden of life alone, it’s exhausting. My power is not sustainable, but God’s power is sustainable.


How do I lay down the heavy burden I carry when my perspective, purpose, and power are my own, and not from God? (Matthew 11:28-29; Isaiah 40:27-31)

1. Accept the purpose Christ has for me.

2. Let God be my source.

3. Start the day with a request: I need you Holy Spirit. I need your perspective, your purpose, and your power.


Throughout the week in your own time with the Lord, you can use these reflection questions as a way to deepen your relationship with God. Reflect on these questions in the presence of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to shine a light into your heart.

1) When have you struggled trying to prove yourself? How does that leave you feeling—physically, mentally, emotionally?

2) How does knowing what you can and cannot control affect how you approach life?

3) Do you believe that God has created you on purpose for a purpose? If yes, how does that impact the way you live your life? If no, what keeps you from believing that?

4) How easy or difficult is it for you to believe that God has called you and gifted you? Why is that?

5) Romans 12:6 says we all have different gifts. What are some of the natural gifts God has given you? How can you use those gifts to love and serve others?

6) How easy or difficult is it for you to believe that God, your Abba Father, is rooting for you to succeed more than anyone else? Why is that?

7) What heavy burden do you need to lay down, so that you can let God be your source and fully accept the purpose He has for you?


What if I don’t believe God created me on purpose for a purpose?

Everyone struggles at one time or another believing or understanding what their purpose is. God, more than anyone, understands your struggle. He wants to give you a new perspective, reveal to you your purpose, and give you the power you need to walk in it. He knows you better than you know yourself. Take your struggle to Him and ask Him for help. Talk to someone at church who is wearing a “Team Member” badge on Sunday, or share in your small group.

I want to read the Bible but I’m not sure where to start. I don’t have a Bible.

If you are not familiar with the Bible and you aren’t sure where to start, you can always start reading about the life of Jesus in the book of John in the New Testament. If you don’t have a Bible, let someone who is wearing a “Team Member” badge on Sunday morning that you don’t have a Bible and would like one.

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