Angels and Demons: Who is Satan?


Pastor Josh Weisbrod – November 1, 2020


SUMMARY: When we minimize or dismiss evil spiritual forces, we only deceive ourselves, are naïve to the threat, and we are unprepared for battle. (1 Peter 5:8-9)



Who is the devil? and Why is called Satan?

·       “Satan” is his name. Satan comes from a Hebrew word that means to oppose, slander, or to be hostile. There are other “satans” and there is only one “The Satan”.


Satan’s creation (Ezek. 28:12-15)

·       He was created to be beautiful and wise and he had authority.


Satan’s fall (Isaiah 14:12-17; Luke 10:18)

·       Satan did not like how God ruled so he wanted to be in charge and do it himself.

·       “I don’t like that. I want to do it my own way.” (first indication of satanic way of thinking)


Satan’s authority (1 John 5:19; John 12:31 &14:30; 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Timothy 1:20; Job 2; Luke 22:31)

·       When Satan fell, he kept his power. He is bound by space and time. He is not everywhere. He is not all powerful and cannot just do anything to anyone at any time. He does not know everything, and he does not know the future. Satan is the ruler of this world.

·       Sometimes God in His sovereignty does execute his purpose and plan using Satan. Ex: the crucifixion of Jesus. God releases him to Satan for God’s purposes. Satan has to ask for permission. (Peter and Job)


Satan’s activity (2 Corinthians 2:11)

·       It is important to be aware of his schemes.

1.     Satan is prowling the earth looking for people to devour (1 Peter 5:8; Job 2:2)

2.     Satan lies and prompts people to lie (John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:14-15; Acts 5:3)

3.     Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4)

4.     Satan tempts people to sin (Genesis 3:1b; Matthew 4:1-11)

5.     Satan leads people away from intimacy with Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3)

6.     Satan steals the Word of God out of people’s hearts (Mark 4:15)

7.     Satan persecutes believers (Revelation 2:10)

8.     Satan fights the spread of the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:17-18)

9.     Satan accuses believers before God (Zechariah 3:1)


Satan’s destruction (Revelation 12:10-11; 1 John 2:4; 1 John 5:18; 1 John 3:8b; 1 Peter5:8-9)

·       Satan is powerful but he has already been defeated and will face judgement from the Most High, all powerful God.

·       The one who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.



Discussion Questions


1.     How has this series changed your perspective on angels and demons? How will this new perspective change how you walk out your faith?


2.     With the new understanding this teaching has brought, do you think you have over-estimated or under-estimated the role of Satan? How would you now describe a proper perspective of the role of Satan?


3.     Understanding how Satan deceives people, why is it so critical to know what God’s word (Bible) says?


4.     How easy or difficult is it for you to believe that greater is He who is in you (God) than he who is in the world (Satan)? Why?


5.     Which of Satan’s schemes surprised you the most? What can you practically do to keep yourself from being outwitted or tricked by Satan’s schemes?

(Ideas: praying, reading the Bible, going to church, memorizing Scripture verses, sticking close to Jesus, being in community, asking for help when you need it, etc.)

Full Podcast Episode: