Better Blessing: Peacemaker


Pastor Josh Weisbrod – March 14, 2021

SUMMARY: A peacemaker actively works to reconcile people to God and one another


KEY SCRIPTURE: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Matthew 5:9 (Matthew 5:2-12 – The Beatitudes)


What is peacemaking?

·       Peacemaking is NOT

o   Absence of conflict or pacifism

o   Avoidance of strife or conflict

o   Appeasement of parties or “peace at any price”

o   Accommodation of issues or acting like everything is okay

·       Peacemaking, according to Jesus, is

o   Peace: shalom is health, prosperity, harmony, wholeness

§  A Jewish person saying shalom is wishing on another person the full presence, peace, prosperity, and the blessedness of God. Numbers 6:24-26

§  Peace is the blessing of the presence of God

o   Maker: active “to do” something

§  Peace must be made. If there is a situation that does not have peace, I actively participate in making peace. It’s about having initiative.

·       A peacemaker actively works to reconcile people to God and one another


We are called to be peacemakers


1.     Jesus is the ultimate model of a peacemaker

·       God is the author of peace and Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:14

·       Jesus is the model and the source of peace. If you need peace, you need Jesus. John 14:27

2.     Peacemaking is messy

·       Peacemaking is often not very peaceful for the one making peace. To be a peacemaker, you have to go somewhere or be in a situation where there is no peace.

·       The truth of the gospel is conflict. The gospel attacks sin, and creates disunity between light and darkness. Jesus came to take sin head on. Matthew 10:34-39

·       Nothing I feel changes the truth of God’s word. It’s okay if your love and the truth of the gospel evoke more hostility. But it is wrong if your hostility evokes more hostility.

3.     Jesus has called us to be peacemakers

·       When we are a peacemaker we take on the identity of a child of God. Our actions will identify the identity of our heart.

·       When we make peace we take on the character of God and we will therefore be clearly identified as belonging to Him, by Him and by the world. John 13:34-35

·       We have a call on our identity to bring peace and make peace through the truth and love of Jesus Christ.

·       As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 Find a chasm and build a bridge across it. Peacemaking is first a divine activity and requires the Holy Spirit.




4.     Jesus has given us peace through salvation and the Holy Spirit

·       Through Jesus’ blood we have peace. We are not a slave to sin.

·       Through the Holy Spirit we have a peace that dwells with us. John 14:26-27

·       We need supernatural power to make peace in a broken and evil world. Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

·       The testimony of our salvation and the Spirit in our lives is seen in the active work of reconciling people to God and one another. If you want to look different in the world, make peace. Find moments of conflict, anger, hurt, pain, suffering, and need, and make peace.

·       Story of Sr. Ann Rose Nu Twang - “I knelt down … begging them not to shoot and torture the children, but to shoot me and kill me instead.”






Discussion Questions

1.     Is being a peacemaker a character trait that the world values? How do you know? Is it a character trait you value or not? Why or why not?

2.     Do you lean towards avoidance of conflict, stepping into conflict and bringing peace, or welcoming and maybe even stirring up conflict? Why do you think that is?

3.     Where do you see a need for peace in the world? What about in your own sphere of influence (school, job, family, community, etc.)? What about in your own personal life?

4.     In Romans, it says that as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. How easy or difficult is it for you to live in peace with others—those you like and those you don’t like?

What about living in peace with yourself?

5.     In what situation or with what person is God asking you to be a peacemaker right now? What is one next step you can take towards being a peacemaker?

Full Podcast Episode: