There is more than one kind of fast. We encourage everyone to take time and ask God what the best fast for them will be. We would encourage every person to do something that stretches you personally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. At the same time, because there are so many options, anyone should be able to fast something for these 21 days. Don't miss out on what God is doing in this season.


Types of Fasts:


Complete Fast

Drinking only liquids, typically water and/or light juices.

Broth or soup may be included as options.


Selective Fast

Removing certain elements from your diet

Daniel Fast (the most widely practiced selective fast) - abstaining from meat, sweets, or bread; drink water and juice, and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.


Partial Fast or Jewish Fast

Abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon.

Or fasting during specific times of the day. For example: 6am-3pm, or from sunup to sundown.


Soul Fast

This is a common fast for anyone new to fasting, those with medical/health issues that would prevent them from fasting, and those looking to specifically address an area of their life out of balance.

Suggestions: social media, television, shopping, etc.