Over twenty one years ago I began a journey in my life that left me speechless in the beginning.  I assumed a new role with absolutely no experience or practical knowledge.  It was a gift with no guarantees or return policies.  I just knew I wanted to be a dad.

    It was a vulnerable moment with an array of emotions that left me feeling joy, pleasure, fear, and even panic!  “You can do this”, I assured myself.  My fatherhood experience was set into motion and there was no turning back.

    Little did I know that being a dad would turn out to be the most fulfilling adventure I could possibly imagine.  Almost every day I would look at my two sons and say to myself,  “You are a difference maker in their lives”, and I really was!  I felt like the Apostle Paul who was a true father in the church world, exhorting the believers to “imitate me, just as I imitate Christ”  (I Cor 11:1).

    The influence of a father with his children is enormous and compelling.  Every son and daughter is yearning for the irreplaceable affirmation and affection from their unsung hero called Dad.  They already know he’s imperfect and makes mistakes, but he’s a father who still has the ability to make a difference like no one else can.

    Let me exhort all the fathers out there who have who are laden with an extra workload and trying to steal more time with your children. Make a difference today by just listening to the hearts of your kids and affirming them for who they are, not just what they do.  It will make a difference.  They will remember the intimate moments of heartfelt communication and affection far more than event-filled encounters that had no meaning.

    In the sixties, there was a cultural revolution surrounded by rebellion against the supposition that the successful ingredients to a happy life were material in nature.  Fathers worked harder and longer to the demise of children looking for a difference maker who would address their innocent questions of “there must be more to life than this?”

    During this turbulent era, famous singer and songwriter Jim Croce hit the top of the charts with his song entitled “Time in a Bottle”.  It was a hidden message that captured the attention of only those who really listened.  “If I could make days last forever, If words could make wishes come true, I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I would spend them with you.”

   Fathers are the difference makers.  A listening ear, an affirming nod, a warm embrace, a simple prayer of faith.

    I just knew I wanted to be a Dad, and I’m so glad I did!
