FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Four (Tongue)

FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Four (Tongue)

God has given us immense power for the mission He has called us to—the power to speak life and love, break chains, and release hope. This power is in our words and communication. Evaluate the platform we have and the message we are sharing. Our words can change the course of the future for ourselves and those around us. We have a platform to share the gospel of Jesus Christ unlike any other generation before us.

FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Three (Faith and Works)

FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Three (Faith and Works)

James wrote this book to encourage, love, and direct the people of God. His motivation is love. The Jewish people’s religious identity was tied to their national identity. Their religious expression was based on good works or keeping the Law. Jesus came and fulfilled the Law. He came to do what God knew humans could not do, which was to keep the Law of God perfectly. Jesus saved us by grace, apart from works. We no longer have to keep the Law to be made right with God; it is by God’s grace. However, when we think that ‘good works’ aren’t important, we miss the heart of the Law—LOVE!

FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Two (Equality)

FOLLOW: Discovering the Journey of Practical Faith in the Book of James - Part Two (Equality)

We attach value to differences we see in others who are not like us, which leads to factions and divisions, and destroys unity. We divide ourselves up and then fight against each other. We judge others’ value based on our own fleeting emotions (i.e. sports, politics, music, race, gender, socio-economic status, etc.) We no longer see the God-given value in others. Every person possesses the same God-given value and should be treated accordingly, including having equal access to the Father. We lock ourselves into categories, but Jesus wants to bring unity. (Ephesians 2:14-22) - James 2:1-13

Embracing Real Adventure

Embracing Real Adventure

A couple weeks ago I was hiking out in the Superstition Wilderness. I have to say that it is becoming is one of my favorite places to explore. I would encourage everyone to spend alone time outdoors because it forces you to think without interruption. Sometimes I think about totally pointless things, but more often than not I dig deep in my mind and have serious conversations with God. In the wilderness, there is no one to answer your questions but God.

Churchplace is now Banner Church

Churchplace is now Banner Church

We love this town, this church, and the mission that Jesus has called us to. That is why we are so excited to be pioneering in this new season together. God has so clearly called our church into the heart of Scottsdale, and at the same time he is constantly opening doors all around the world. As we look across the horizon at this new season we are so excited because all God has done and all he will continue to do. We believe that God has uniquely called this church to raise a banner of hope and love in Scottsdale, the greater Phoenix area, and the entire world.