“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”
“Have we not all one Father?
Our Father
Have we not all one God?
Our Father who is
Near even when we feel far
Our Father who is
With us at our highest and lowest
Our Father who is
A place of refuge and trust
You O God
Were not made by human hands
And are not limited by temples made with human hands
You created all things
And, you reign above the nations
You are seated on your heavenly throne
Holy are you God
Holy are your promises
Holy are your ways
You are so holy, you are so great
What offering can we bring that is worthy?
What can we do but give our all
We will honor your name by seeking your holiness.
Matthew 6:9
Isaiah 6:3
Malachi 2:10
Luke 1:46-55
Psalm 96:7-9
Psalm 99:1-5
Revelation 15:4
Acts 7:48-50
Isaiah 66:1-2
Psalm 91:1-2